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" enthusiastic world-hopping, instrument-inventing eccentric, either years ahead of his time, or several yards out of his mind."
        – Tom Harrison, Pacific Press


AGOGO has dedicated years to the performance and study of percussion, theatre, folk dance, and ethnic music under well respected teachers. He continues to compile soundscape textures and music for film, animation, voice-overs, theatre, and multi-media, specializing in live multi-vocals via modern technology, his voice as drone, as percussion, as orchestra.

TIPPY was winner of two Jessie Richardson Theatre Awards for sound design: Judith Thompson's "Lion in the Streets" ('92) and "Whale Riding Weather" ('94 with Doug MacAuley) – TOUCHSTONE THEATRE productions.


TIPPY AGOGO, a multi-faceted musician, has a wide range of talents embracing many areas of performance – electro-acoustic and soundscape concerts, industrial-ethno-rock, global music and near jazz, music for dance, theatre, and multi-media projects. TIPPY is a one-man musical sensation – in concert, at festivals, and on the street.

Tippy warming up for Mile Zero Dance Company

Quotes about Ameoba Collective


"...a 10 track tripout of Blues. Rock, World Beat. Hip Hop, Electro, Acoustic, and Country ... a barrel full of multi-genre improv." - David Farrell, New Canadian Music

"... the most worldly album I've reviewed this year ... a fusion album amped up to 11." - Michael Thomas, Gray Point Owl

"... an interesting journey into the minds of several of the country's most innovative musical minds." - Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

"Loosely billed as a world music excursion, the concept remains open-ended: a Vulcan mind-meld of genres are part of their mix - elements of rock, blues, reggae and free-form jazz ... ~ Eric Thorn, Penguin Eggs

".. quite out of the box ... something new ..."  - Bman

"Trippy as eclectic soundfest.. .each track stands out so fabulously on their own" - John Vermilyea, Blues Underground Network


More details on the Ameoba Colective  here.


Ameoba Collective Facebook Page:

  • Wix Facebook page


Quotes about Creep Forward 

"...Tippy Agogo has become a multifaceted musical powerhouse, a loop-happy singer, guitarist & junk percussionist whose on-the-fly improvisations are part scrap-yard soul, part psychedelic dream." - Alexander Varty, the Georgia Straight 

"... audiences have responded in various ways, some were comatose in their seats... others dancing like banshees." - The Local, Sunshine Coast Jazz & Entertainment Society

(Creep forward is) "... eighteen unique tunes... from the 12-minute-long 'Myth of the Spanish Fly' to the goth rock of 'I-Arabesque'... no matter the genre, it's always slightly off-kilter in good ways." - Stuart Derdeyne The Province, Vancouver

"Hyperaktivt canadisk one-man-band!" – SIDESOUNDS, Bergen, Norway,

"His music was so hot, we had to throw him off the ship!" – Armand Vaillancourt, LA MAREE AUX 1000 VAGUES, Riviere-du-Loup,Quebec

"Fearless!" - Madagascar Slim (Tip's Creep Fwd record release)

"Tippy Agogo is brilliant!" – Sook Yin Lee

"Magic ... a genius." – Peter Gzowski (CBC Radio)

" one of a kind musical dynamo. " - Twilight Circus Dub

"Tippy Agogo is the Jimi Hendrix of mouth music" - The RealOnes

Overall, the band's (Legendary Pink Dots) efforts proved why they are hugely influential in various music scenes (members have collaborated with the likes of cEvin Key and Tippy Agogo), yet there were no inflated egos present. - Mike Adair Toronto 

"...Shuyler (Old Reliable fame) & Mavis auditioned strong additions as Tippy Agogo danced as if he were climbing a magic ladder of invisible snakes" - Fish Griwkowsky SEE Magazine 

"The live layered jungle techno of Tippy Agogo was eclipsed only by a fantastic tricots and fur collection infused with true Québecois verve." - Daniel Cox - minimidimaxi magazine, Montreal

"I admire (his) perseverance & skills."  - Jimmy Farmboy (Shambhala)

The response to his haunting and powerful score has been overwhelming." – Roy Surette, Touchstone Theatre


A world-travelled performer and accompanist and founder of the HUMANE DRUM SOCIETY, Tippy is also recognized as an accomplished teacher and workshop leader, in participatory music sessions for children and adults.
"This is just what those refugee kids needed – someone who could fascinate them, involve them and communicate with them without using words." – Lucy Bryson, Co-ordinator, Rosca Refugee Centre

"The inmates were quite taken aback by the performance, (the Humane Drum Society), and showed their appreciation beseeching the band to come again." – Douglas A. Fraser, Recreation Co-ordinator, Lakeside Woman's Correctional Centre, Oakalla Prison, BC

"Edmonton's own one-man band, Tippy Agogo, has hauled his musical arsenal of recycled tin cans, beat-up guitars, and digital delay pedals into some seriously strange situations." – Tom Murray, SEE Magazine

"There's more to Tippy Agogo than a mischievious name, a minstrel's mane and a stash of homemade instruments fashioned from found objects; like his sound, a whirlwind of percussion and vocals spiraling skyward over digital loops, he is multi-layered." – VUE Magazine, Edmonton, AB

"Incorporating loops, exotic rhythms, homemade percussive instruments, and an ability to mimic pretty well any sound with just his vocal cords, Tippy's always unique performances have become legendary?" – Chris Barry, The Mirror (Montreal)

"Tippy Agogo was fantastisch!" – WEEK-UP Agenda, Antwerpen

"It wasn't necessarily music, it was terror!" – Tom Aerts, 5voor12, Antwerp, Belgium

"Tippy Agogo soundscapes are particularly apt!" – Colin MacLean, CBC News

"The sound – Tippy Agogo's combination of musical and sound effects industrial clambor – is unfailingly original." – Edmonton Journal

"His music is somehow particularly visual and the sounds he uses are very emotive, you feel like you're watching a film without pictures." – CANTA Magazine, (University of Canterbury), Christchurch, New Zealand

"He showcased his work and managed to lure all the top players of the music industry  to a full house." – Amanda Evans (Phoenix Theatre, "Late and Live"), Wellington, New Zealand

"Summarizing him in a single quote is kind of like purchasing a beer in Saudi Arabia; necessary, but goddamn difficult. Undoubtedly, he's an artist that has, can, and will make a memorable impression on the densest of craniums." – Colonel C. Noyes

"Life is a kinda Picasso painting for Tippy!!" – Ryan Moore, Twilight Circus

"The result is something at once ancient and modern, a kind of 20th Century tribal music that evokes magic." – Dugg Simpson, Vancouver Folk Fest

"a tin bath with cans strapped to it, feeds a lexicon jam man!" – Rodney Orpheus, (Sun God German Tour), Mix Magazine

"The latest release from Edmonton's globe-trotting genius, Tippy Agogo, INCANTOS is a well produced work of engaging, intriguing rhythms, combined with ingenious melodies and dynamic vocals" – Darren Zenko, Associated Press

"Tippy's irresistible rhythms were a FUN-D-MENTAL cause of the greatest earthquake Holland had felt in several hundred years" – Edward Ka-spell, Legendary Pink Dots, The Netherlands

"His trademark is his vocal percussion. With special technologies, he manages to make the strangest sounds – one moment he is an army helicopter, the next, you imagine yourself in the middle of the Amazon." – Het Nieuwsblad, Belgium

"The budget version of the Grateful Dead's percussionist Mickey Hart, Agogo can recycle just about anything and turn it into a viable percussion instrument; with few electronic enhancements he weaves echoing vocals over top of multi-layered rhythms." – Peter North, (on the Edmonton Fringe Fest), Edmonton Sun

"In addition to his found-object one-man-band set up, and authentic ethnic instruments such as the dulcimer, Tippy on-stage is wired into a number of digital effects via a headset microphone, filling out his soundscapes with high-pitched, note-perfect wails, Indian ragas, chants, and what-have-you, twisted and shaped by technology, the result is invigorating and hypnotic, the songs of a high-tech ethno-gypsy." – Stephen Humphrey, Edmonton Bullet

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