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Frisbee Workshops

Freestyle & Trick Shot "Frizbee" Workshops:


What many people don't know about Tippy is his sporty side and his arch-Frizbee skills. He regularly holds Frizbee workshops at festivals and special events.


Tippy generously acknowledges the help and support of Mountain Equipment Co-op, who donate to him a provision of a stock of Flying Discs he uses for his workshops, wherever they may be.


In 2008, Tippy did his first Festival Frizbee Workshops at the Motion Notion, Shambhala, and the new Astral Harvest festivals. The workshops were received with critical acclaim of the participants! Utilizing the music of the performing DJ's and performers in the background, (as part of the workshop's flow), Tippy introduced "Frizbee Yoga", (warm-ups), and "Frizbee Philosophy", accenting the free-style Frizbee toss collective!


In 2010, Tippy expanded his offerings, dedicating his Workshops to the late great frizbee inventor, Walter Frederick Morrison, who passed away at 90, (February 2010). Come check out the workshop and various Frizbee games and his unique approach to Frizbee and music .  Since 2010 Tippy has held public Fribee workshops annually all over the map. Beaches, fields, and Frizbees forever!


Tippy held Frizbee workshops in 2010 :

~ MEC Bikefest - Edmonton - June 19 - Focus on "skipping heights" on downtown Edmonton Street - approx. 6M high!

~ Riley Park - Calgary - June 27 - Impromptu freestyle for local frizbee enthusiasts during Sled Island Music Fest!

~ Astral Harvest - Driftpile, Alberta - July 3 - The joys of warm wind frizbee! Focus on how to play w/ updrafts!

~ Oregon Country Fair - Eugene - July 10 - Impromptu community effort in one of the world's largest festival parking lots!

~ Motion Notion - Drayton Valley - July 17 - Focus - instructing Security to skip & play freestyle on the quiet hours!

~ Sasquatch Gathering - North Country Fair site - July 23 - Continued principles aforementioned on short grass & wind!

~ Shambhala Music Fest - Salmo, BC - Aug.7 - Beach Frizbee Workshop & Movement w/ DJ & live music!

~ Ganges in the Park - Ganges, BC - Sept.11 - Impromptu community effort during Pride Parade & Saturday Market!

~ Mill Creek Dog Walk Park - Edmonton - Sept.30/Oct.3 - Teach dogs to catch, retrieve, & "no teeth marks please!"


UPDATE - He held many more in 2011, (too many to list here) - here are some of the highlights:

~ Toronto - Trinity Bellwoods Park (off Queen Street West) - June 11 - Focus on various trick shots and frizbee tosses.

~ Montreal - Mount Royal above the infamous Tam-Tam percussion jam - June 19 - Focus on drum rhythms and "frizbee flow".

~ Slave Lake Benefit, Slave Lake, Alberta - May 30 - Impromptu workshop w/ the locals between sets for the fire benefit at Slave Lake.

~ IrriCanada Days - Irricana, Alberta - July 1 - Supplementary workshop after Tip's world renowned Music Workshop.

~ Starbelly Jam, Crawford Bay, BC - July 16 - Scheduled workshop off stage left, w/ live Ron Sexsmith's music - Hoolahoops present! ~ South Country Fair, Ft. MacLeod, Alberta - July 17 - Impromptu workshop after Tip's Music workshop.

~ Komasket Music Fest, Vernon, BC - July 30 - Evening workshop with staff and families.

~ Shambhala Music Fest, Salmo, BC - Aug. 7 - Workshop and Game, (Taps-where two teams play to tip to team-mates for points).

~ Big Time Out, Cumberland, BC - Full Moon workshop during the evening.

~ Bippity Boppity Boo Day, Fernie, BC - After music workshop, quick impromptu at the nearby Annex Park (Wapiti Fest).

~ Santa Cruz, California - Sept. 4 - Impromptu beach workshop during family reunion.

~ San Francisco, California - Sept. 10 - Impromptu workshop at the Panhandle, (foot of Haight), Golden gate Park.

~ Cape Lookout, Oregon - Sept. 8 - Impromptu wedding workshop.


mail to have him bring the Frizbee circus to your Event or Festival. More workshops scheduled for 2014 - tba!


Many thanks to Mountain Equipment Co-op for their generous support...

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